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Provides a way to rate anythingStory Ocean - Short Story Exhibition: $1000 Allenvale Cash Prize
Posted from Diigo. The rest of teacher-librarians group favorite links are here.
Widgets for ratings: stars, sliders, sidebar
Provides a way to rate anything
Story Ocean - Short Story Exhibition: $1000 Allenvale Cash Prize
I create, write, think, and speak about library websites and emerging digital technology. This website reflects those topics. I tend towards library website stuff – managing, marketing, experimenting, usability, and planning. Sometimes I stray into other related-yet-cool (translation: fun) topics, like videoblogging, experience design and planning, and web 2.0 / library 2.0 topics. Basically, anything in my head on any given day that’s somehow related to libraries, digital technology and websites.
Tags: libraries, social media, blog, technology, library 2.0
Read, or personalize classic tales and have them read back with word highlighting. Nice collection of children's classic picturebooks.
Registration allows you to save your personalized books and share with others.
Use on an interactive whiteboard or available as an app for ipod Touch, iPhone, or iPad.
a live binder of tools, tutorials and more to help students show what they have learned
Tags: evidence_based_learning, accountability, web2.0, learning2.0
AccessMyLibrary - School Edition for iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad on the iTunes App Store
Learn more, read reviews, and download AccessMyLibrary - School Edition by Gale, part of Cengage Learning on the iTunes App Store.
Tags: 21stcenturyskills, literacy, fluency, information_literacy, research, information, information literacy, 21stcentury, iste10, Information fluency
21st Century Information Fluency
"If you need to design a unit or a course for teaching information fluency, here is a suggested sequence of course activities for middle school and high school (the Basic Course may be adaptedfor grades 4 and 5, described below). As you can see in the tables below, we've structured Basic and Intermediate courses around a series of individual study MicroModules and hands-on Flash challenges. As more activities go online, new options will become available and this list will be updated. Use our list of core competencies to choose activities.
Tags: #iste10, curriculum, information_literacy, information_fluency
Booktalks and More / FrontPage
Tags: booktalks, booktrailers, animoto, ya, yalit, video, book, schoollibraries
Stroome.com | mix it up. mash it out.
Tags: video, video_editing, editing, mashup, web2, 0, collaboration
SC_001.swf (application/x-shockwave-flash Object)
Internet Search Challenge. Use Google to answer the question:What is the url of a page that lists the number of shows that have opened on Broadway year-by-year since 1984?
Time to beat? 10 minutes
Tags: searching_strategies, interactive, Information fluency, cool tools
YouTube - Social Media Revolution 2 (Refresh)
A social networking version of the Shift Happens videos
Tags: socialmedia, youtube, web2.0, socialnetworking, ShiftHappens, facebook, statistics
22 Educational Social Media Diagrams
Sometimes it is easier to see concepts visually to get a basic understanding and then do further research on the topics that are most relevant to your business. In today's post we collected some great visualizations of social media concepts including monitoring and content distribution.
Tags: socialmedia, graphics, infographics, web2.0, edtech, visualization
Library cataloging, classification, metadata, subject access and related topics.
Tags: cataloguing, libraries, metadata, classification, blog, technology, librarianship
A Librarian's Guide to Etiquette
A polite librarian is a good librarian.
©ollectanea | University of Maryland University College
Join the Center for Intellectual Property's Scholar, Peter Jaszi, in a discussion of current copyright issues.
Tags: copyright, blog, education, law, librarianship, libraries
Give an Old Laptop New Life with Cheap (or Free) Projects | LifeHacker.com
Like a famed race horse or a classic book, you don't just throw away a laptop because it's banged up a little. Even if it seems outdated and underpowered, most any laptop is still small, quiet, and relatively low on power consumption, making it a seriously valuable spare to keep handy—even without a working screen. With some free software, a little know-how, and some creative thinking about your home network, nearly any old laptop can find its second wind, and today I'll run through some of the best ways to get it there.
Tags: reading, ya, yalit, yalsa, conference, ala, TechnologyIntegration, study, presentation
Booklist is a 100-year-old journal, published by the American Library Association, whose core mission is to provide public and school librarians with reviews that help them decide what to buy. In recent years, Booklist has also become a valuable tool that helps librarians make reading recommendations.
Thoughts on copyright, libraries, academics, fans, anime, games…
Tags: blog, copyright, librarians, libraries, academic, games
Kathy Schrock's Guide for Educators - Teaching Tools - Kathy Schrock's Guide for Educators
tags: web2.0, tools, education, resources, teaching, technology
IndexaciĂłn Y RecuperaciĂłn de la InformaciĂłn
Tags: AutomatizaciĂłn, Bibliotecas, BibliotecologĂa, Busqueda, de, InformaciĂłn, IndexaciĂłn, y, bĂşsqueda, ĂŤndices
morgueFile free photos for creatives by creatives
Morguefile.com free stock photos
Blabberize.com - Got a picture? Make it talk
Tags: animation, web2.0, photos, blabberize, digital_storytelling, cool tools
Heather B.'s blog about Buffy's presentation at ESU Summer Institute
YouTube - iPad Vs. Kindle 2: eReader Showdown
Tags: youtube, Kindle, iPad, ebooks, reading, reading promotion
Information Literacy Resource Bank - Home
Tags: information_literacy, website-evaluation, library, lesson, information literacy
Course : Freemind Tutorial | Open-of-Course.org
This Freemind tutorial is made by Shailaja Kishor Kumar. FreeMind is an open source mind mapping tool that enables you to visualize ideas, projects, concepts, brainstorming, internet research or any other task that can benefit from a structured overview. You can create nodes with child and sibling nodes and add icons, clouds, notes and custom formatting for better presentation. The nodes can be expanded or collapsed, or interactively linked to local files, other maps, online resources and more. You can also insert encrypted nodes or create encrypted maps for sesitive projects. The finished maps can be exported to HTML, clickable XHTML, Open Office document, image file and other formats.
TED: Margaret Stewart: How YouTube thinks about copyright
"Margaret Stewart, YouTube's head of user experience, talks about how the ubiquitous video site works with copyright holders and creators to foster (at the best of times) a creative ecosystem where everybody wins."
Create a QR code for a URL, contact, phone, text, etc....
educational-origami - Bloom's Digital Taxonomy
education bloom's taxomony
JigsawPlanet.com - Free Online Jigsaw Puzzle Games
for puzzle lovers
As its title suggests, an awesome collection of resources for the classroom. Includes a huge variety of categories, such as research; quiz and poll; images; and video. Well worth perusing!
Tags: web2.0, tools, resources, education, cooltoolsforschools, classroomwikis
Prezi - The zooming presentation editor
Tags: presentation, presentations, tools, web2.0, animation, education, technology, web 2.0, digital storytelling
awesome for visual learners
COPYRIGHT CRIMINALS | Lesson Plans | Independent Lens | PBS
hese resources examine copyright law in the history of “borrowing” sounds in music, and raise provocative questions about what is creative and what is criminal. These lessons are directed toward grades 9 through 12, and college students for use in the following subject areas: media studies, media literacy, social studies, history, sociology, media production, music and language arts, business, and legal studies.
Information Literacy for the 21st Century « Libraries and Transliteracy
7 points of information literacy:
* IL as context specific and context sensitive;
* IL demanding a variety of behaviours: not just searching, but also encountering, browsing, monitoring, managing and creating;
* People moving along complex paths to meet their information needs: moving between the virtual and physical worlds, and using different sources and spaces;
* IL in digital environments;
* IL with people sources;
* People being information literate individually and collaboratively
* People being aware they are information literate: you cannot be an information literate 21st Century citizen without being conscious of the need to develop these IL skills and attitudes, and continue to update your IL through your life!
Excellent article.
"Stop, You’re Killing Me! is a resource for lovers of mystery, crime, thriller, spy, and suspense books. We list over 3,300 authors, with chronological lists of their books (over 37,000 titles), both series (3,700+) and non-series."
• SYNC is an online community that seeks to build the audience for audiobooks among readers 13 and up.
• Each week, SYNC will give away 2 FREE downloads--a popular Young Adult title paired with a Classic title that appears on Summer Reading lists--starting July 1 through September 1, 2010.
What Will You Learn this Summer? 35 Professional Development Resources | Teacher Reboot Camp
Tags: development, professionaldevelopment, professional, pln
Embrace Your Tribe – A Discussion & Interview with Seth Godin « Tame The Web
Seth Godin's marketing model interpreted to libraries. Very good interview. Excellent post.
Tags: leadership, learning commons, inspirational, service model
Get the Latest Statistics | Pew Research Center's Internet & American Life Project
Free Technology for Teachers: Google Tools Tutorials
Tags: google, Tutorials, resources, googledocs, education, googletools
EA SPORTS predicts Spain will win the 2010 FIFA World Cup™ : 2010 ...
Myspace Generators - Flash Toys
Site with a lot of fun image and text generators for websites and blogs
Tags: generators, gadgets, widgets, web2.0, images, graphics
Tap into the World of Comics Primary School version
Strategies for using Comics in the Classroom
Information graphics or infographics are graphic visual representations of information, data or knowledge. These graphics present complex information quickly and clearly, such as in signs, maps, journalism, technical writing, and education. With an information graphic, computer scientists, mathematicians, and statisticians develop and communicate concepts using a single symbol to process information.Like much of the information we access in today's educational settings, students need to have information readily available and the ability to quickly present complex information is essential for teachers of these types of students.
Wild Apricot Blog : Make Your Own Infographic
tags: infographic, graphic, visualization, howto, information literacy, digital storytelling, cool tools
Wild Apricot Blog : Make Your Own Infographic
Tags: infographic, graphic, visualization, howto, information literacy, digital storytelling, cool tools
Zunal WebQuest Maker is a web-based software for creating WebQuests in a short time without writing any HTML codes.
ipl2: Information You Can Trust
Internet Public Library and Librarians' Internet Index combined
kids, teens, special collections, newspapers & magazines, subject area resources
Tags: research, library, reference, searchengines, resources, directories, information, ipl2, ipl, lii
A comparison of Kindle, Sony eReadrr and iPod Touch/iPhone