Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Digital Citizenship 03/25/2010

  • There are some significant concerns with the possibility of students and teachers having this kind of interaction, including the issue that students flirt. If a student were to send a flirtatious message to a staff member, that staff member may be in serious trouble. If the teacher responds to the message warmly, he or she faces the accusation of sexual solicitation. If the teacher turns the student down, he or she faces the possibility of revenge. Another concern is that the staff member participating on a social networking site will become a “guarantor” of all friends, meaning that if a teacher “friends” some students but not others, it could create a perception that those specific students are favored and may receive preferential treatment (such as a better grade than the others). Relatedly, anything performed online by a public school employee - including information and images posted on social networking sites - will be used to judge the character of that individual. There is also the concern that the friends of the staff member may post unflattering information or tag inappropriate images of them which will quickly be used to prompt one major question: “Is this the kind of person we trust to be responsible for our children?”

    Tags: ad4dcss, digital citizenship, social networking teachers students school

  • Santa Ana School District has posted their cybersafety materials online in fulfillment of requirements for AB 307. Materials were used district wide (Feb 23-27) in all grade levels. A similar plan of instruction was used in the Newport Mesa Unified School District

    Tags: ad4dcss, AB307, cybersafety, digital citizenship, cyberbullying

Posted from Diigo. The rest of Ad4dcss/Digital Citizenship group favorite links are here.

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