Thursday, June 30, 2011
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Teacher Librarian Links 06/30/2011
2D bar codes can be used for students to access web sites or other information using the camera on their smart phone
Posted from Diigo. The rest of teacher-librarians group favorite links are here.
Here in 60 Seconds
Infographic by- Shanghai Web Designers
Monday, June 27, 2011
Teacher Librarian Links 06/28/2011
Librarians offer plenty in a social media world | The Bivings Report
VEry handy tool that will open a list of URLS in a browser--all in diff tabs! VERY COOL!
Posted from Diigo. The rest of teacher-librarians group favorite links are here.
Sunday, June 26, 2011
Teacher Librarian Links 06/27/2011
Beth Newingham: The Reader's Notebook | Top Teaching
Detailed article sharing how one teacher uses and organizes readers' notebooks. Includes downloads of forms she uses: Reading Log, Genre Overview, What Genres Am I Reading?, Genre Graphs, Books I Plan to Read, Mini Lesson Handouts Table of Contents, IDR Task Sheets, Sticky Note Tracker Sheet, and Reading Response Topics.
Tags: readers_notebook, reading, resources, book_discussions
Murder Under the Microscope 2011
See previous games at
Tags: Murder-Under-the-Microscope, environmental_mystery, team-challenge, students, schools, online_games
Softlink Australian Schools Survey 2011
"Findings: Softlink's Australian School Library Survey
In March 2011, Softlink conducted a follow-up survey to the 2010 Australian School Library Survey, which looked into Australian school library budgets, qualified staffing levels and NAPLAN literacy results. This follow-up survey has allowed Softlink to compare and report the findings from both surveys."Tags: surveys, school_libraries, australia, budget, 2011, management
Web Extra: Collaborative Strategies for Teaching Reading Comprehension | ALA Editions
Tags: ALA, collaborative, strategies, teaching, reading, comprehension, pdf, book
Specifics on using notebooks as well as handouts including Preparing for a Discussion, Tips for Discussion, Partner Reading Planning Sheet, book Commercials.
Tags: reading, resources, readers_notebook, book_discussions
Copy of EdubloggerCon ISTE 2011 Web 2.0 Smackdown - Google Docs
These are many of the links that were tweeted during EBC11 on June 25, 2011. Amazing collective brain!
Tags: ISTE, ISTE11, edubloggercon11, resources, toplist, twitter
Posted from Diigo. The rest of teacher-librarians group favorite links are here.
Saturday, June 25, 2011
Teacher Librarian Links 06/26/2011
Advice for Students: 10 Steps Toward Better Research
Tags: research, writing, advice, howto, 10, information literacy
Tags: books, boys, reading, blog, literacy, reading promotion
CLI - Murder under the Microscope (MuM)
Tags: murder, microscope, CLI, environmental_mystery, schools
Remember the tip on how to create a QR code easily with
Tags: qr, video, youtube, howto, pd, 4tchrs, 4librarians, 4me, school2.0, tips
Getting Boys to Read - Quick Tips for Parents, Librarians, and Teachers | Getting Boys To Read
Tags: boys, tips, reading, blogs, reading_strategy, reading promotion
Critical analysis of information sources - Macquarie University Library
Tags: analysis, information, sources, university, library, information literacy
Around the Invisible Professionals - Replacing Librarians with iPads?
Tags: advocacy, schoolreform, edreform, mguhlin, 4librarians, ipad, Texas
Posted from Diigo. The rest of teacher-librarians group favorite links are here.
Friday, June 24, 2011
Teacher Librarian Links 06/25/2011
Academic reference management software for researchers | Mendeley
Mendeley is a free reference manager and academic social network that can help you organize your research, collaborate with others online, and discover the latest research.
Tags: social networking, informationliteracy, libraries, referencing
100 articles that every librarian should read » Librarians Matter
Summer Reading for primary students
Embed on the web site. Nice.
Tags: summer_reading, summerlibrary, reading, literacy, outreach, 4librarians, 4me
10 Trends on Information Literacy and LILAC 2011
"...the digital divide, technological advances and our digital transformation in an information-rich world was the driver in this year’s LILAC. Mobile technologies and web 2.0 applications are going to definitely impact the IL agenda."
Posted from Diigo. The rest of teacher-librarians group favorite links are here.
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Teacher Librarian Links 06/23/2011
Transparency: The Most Controversial Books in America - Culture - GOOD
This is old, but it's a great infographic!
The Wiki Game - 'Wikipedia Game' - Explore and race through Wikipedia!
QR Codes Connect Students to Books
many great ideas in this article about MrSchuReads' use of QR codes.
Reflective Writing.pdf (University of NSW Learning Centre)
Tags: pdf, reflective, writing, university, information_literacy, thinking_skills
Tags: QR, howto, 4tchrs, 4admin, 4librarians, 4me, pd, school2.0
50 Useful and Effective Infographics | Web Design Blog, Web Designer Resources
Tildee! Create Tutorials in One Click on Tildee !
Tags: tutorials, tutorial, howto, web2.0, tools, design, create, cool tools, Information fluency
As you might well know I am really enthusiastic about blogging with students. I have shared my adventures through several opportunities and I’m determined to keep spreading the word in order to bring other educators on board.
Therefore, I have created a LiveBinder with useful tools, examples and resources. I thought this would be a good idea to encourage other teachers to get their kids bloggingBarnes & Noble: ebooks outselling physical books three to one | E-Readers | Playlist | Macworld
Wow. How long will the bookstore down the street exist at this rate? Can't see how B&N can continue to lose $ on physical books. Can they survive?
What not to do at ISTE « Teach42
Sound advice!
Tags: ISTE2011, ISTE, conference, howto
YouTube - QR Codes: Applications in Education
Tags: QR, youtube, video, school2.0, tool, webtool, 4tchrs, 4librarians, 4me, pd
Posted from Diigo. The rest of teacher-librarians group favorite links are here.
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Teacher Librarian Links 06/22/2011
The Best Sites For Creating Personalized “Newspapers” Online
| Larry Ferlazzo's Websites of the Day...
Information Literacy Website » UK IL tutorials
From the CILIP Information Literacy Group web site -
Tags: informationliteracy, salford, tools, learningobjects, learningresources, ilg
“Viva La Social Media RevoluciĂłn"
CASL Gwyneth Jones Webinar - June 2011
Archived webinarTags: social_media, networking, social_networking, school_iibrary_media_centers, school_library_media_specialists, pr, professionalism, professional_development
12 Social Media Tools Recommended by the Pros | Social Media Examiner
Tags: social_media, tools, web2.0, marketing, pr, communcation, collaboration
Information Literacy Website » IL reuseable learning objects
From the CILIP Information Literacy Group web site -
Tags: informationliteracy, salford, tools, learningobjects, learningresources, ilg
Posted from Diigo. The rest of teacher-librarians group favorite links are here.
Monday, June 20, 2011
Teacher Librarian Links 06/21/2011
Read free books online - make book, upload, share & publish book
Tags: information literacy, books, reading promotion, reading, cool tools
Posted from Diigo. The rest of teacher-librarians group favorite links are here.
Sunday, June 19, 2011
Teacher Librarian Links 06/20/2011
Saturday, June 18, 2011
Teacher Librarian Links 06/19/2011
tons of online pd opportunities! Some great ideas for tchrs' individualized summer pd
Mrs. Yollis' Classroom Blog: How to Compose a Quality Comment!
This is an excellent explanation of how to make a quality comment on a blog that will extend the conversation. Intro'd by the tchr, and explained by the students (about 2nd gr?)
Tags: GREAT, blogging, howto, commenting, 4tchrs, 4me, 4librarians, PD, writing, digitalliteracy
Posted from Diigo. The rest of teacher-librarians group favorite links are here.
Friday, June 17, 2011
Teacher Librarian Links 06/18/2011
Free Royalty Free Music Loops and Full Length Tracks
Some of these tracks might be useful for some of our podcasting projects--ck user agreement.
The Big List of Legal Music Download Websites | TheDailyBuggle
World’s Simplest Online Safety Policy - Sayville, NY, United States, ASCD EDge Blog post
Excellent analysis/recommendations about what really is and isn't required by US law regarding student work online. Best lines are the last paragraph: These laws were passed to keep children safe, not keep children out of the 21st century. With a little common sense we can ensure schools are not committing educational neglect by keeping students stuck in the past.
Tags: ASCD, digitalcitizenship, aup, internetsafety, nielsen, policy, FERPA, CIPA, COPPA, 4admin, 4librarians
Cutting library funding has consequences |
Well said. This should be shared with all school board members and administrators. School Libraries Matter!
Tags: 4admin, 4librarians, pennsylvania, advocacy, educationreform, politics, research
Posted from Diigo. The rest of teacher-librarians group favorite links are here.
Thursday, June 16, 2011
Teacher Librarian Links 06/17/2011
E-Learning Course Creation Tool l Microsoft Learning Content Development System (LCDS)
Tags: microsoft, elearning, tools, online, courses, learning, salford
Red Tape - That famous space shuttle photo: When is sharing stealing?
Posted from Diigo. The rest of teacher-librarians group favorite links are here.
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
Teacher Librarian Links 06/16/2011
KSP - Write-a-Book-In-A-Day - Introduction
Tags: writing, books, students, teams, stories, fundraising, one_day
Posted from Diigo. The rest of teacher-librarians group favorite links are here.
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Teacher Librarian Links 06/15/2011
Juvenile Series and Sequels | - Mid-Continent Public Library
Tags: series, booklists, sequels, readersadvisory, library, reading promotion, reading
skills4studycampus is a fully interactive e-learning resource, which will help students develop the study skills they need to be successful and is suitable for students on all courses and in any year of study.
Tags: salford, academic, studyskills, resources, teaching, tools
Pegby: Peg it up, Move it Around, Get it Done.
Pegby wants you to stop using those sticky notes that seem to be everywhere on and around your work desk, and instead use their cards and stacks to manage tasks. Their task management board is divided into mainly three columns – pending, in process and done (you can add more columns if you need them), and in each column you can add cards which are basically tasks and their descriptions. Different cards (tasks) can be combined together into a named stack, each card or stack can be dragged or dropped across columns. You can also invite people and jointly create and manage tasks.
Each card can be customized in various ways. Its color can be changed, it can be tagged and much more. There’s a way to filter your board too if you think it’s full of clutter.
* Manage tasks through online cards and stacks.
* Have family members use it along with you.
* Add columns to the board, drag and drop cards.
* Similar tools: Corkboard, Pindax and WallWisher.Tags: gtd, productivity, collaboration, todos, task_management, organization, tasks, wallwisher
Ask Not What Twitter Can Do For You---Ask What you Can Do For Twitter by Nikki Robertson on Prezi
Prezi on Twitter for professional development: Participants will learn the basics of how to use Twitter as a Professional Development tool through learning what Twitter Chats are, how to find chat groups suited to their educational interests, and how to navigate and get the most out of Twitter Chat
Tags: twitter, pd, professional_development, microblogging, school_library_media_specialists
Posted from Diigo. The rest of teacher-librarians group favorite links are here.
Monday, June 13, 2011
My Link Library 06/14/2011
Buffy Hamilton from Creekview High School has put together an unbelievable set of resources for wikispaces. Buffy's skill and insight to usable technology is second to none.
tags: education technology technology-integration educational technology wikispaces collaborative creation content knowledge construction
Teacher Librarian Links 06/14/2011
throw thoughts, things, todos, URLs at it
content gets extracted automagically
instantly find your notes with our powerful search
keep things private, make them public
bookmarklet for easy adding
mobile version
it's free!20 must know features and tricks on Youtube
that you simply have to know
Tags: youtube, video, tips, tricks, edtech, howto, technology
Tags: fossils, Australian_fossils, geologic_timelines, activities, SA
Posted from Diigo. The rest of teacher-librarians group favorite links are here.
Sunday, June 12, 2011
Teacher Librarian Links 06/13/2011
Resources to help you teach possessive nouns.
Tags: 21stcenturylearning, technology, fluency, IanJukes, project, digitalcitizenship, standards
Posted from Diigo. The rest of teacher-librarians group favorite links are here.
Friday, June 10, 2011
Teacher Librarian Links 06/11/2011
tools by category
Looking for eResources that don’t break the library budget?
"At the recent Excellence in Learning Resources forum meeting in York we had a good discussion about the various eCollections libraries across the Yorkshire & Humber region currently provide for their learners. With so many libraries facing serious cutbacks, providing good quality eResources that don’t put too much of a dent in the library budget is as important as ever."
Posted from Diigo. The rest of teacher-librarians group favorite links are here.
Thursday, June 9, 2011
Teacher Librarian Links 06/10/2011
The theme for TEDx LibrariansTO is Librarians as Thought Leaders. Come to the event and experience this incredible opportunity to hear librarians speak to the differences we make in the world and how we have, can and do lead and transform society.
Tags: TEDx, librarians, TED, conference
Daily Infographic | A New Infographic Every Day | Data Visualization and Design
Tags: infographics, visualization, Design, Statistics, daily, blog
Tags: Internet Safety, cybersafety, digital citizenship, resources
10 Tips for Teachers Using Evernote – Education Series « Evernote Blogcast - EdTech Leadership
Infographic Of The Day: 100 Years of War Casualties, Charted With Kitchenware | Co.Design
" entire century's worth of war casualties -- 38 million deaths over 25 conflicts ... festoon a cute kitchen with liters and liters of blood: one liter for every million deaths, to be exact. "
Tags: infographic, war, kitchen, design, technology, Co.Design, blood
Tomorrow's Tech in Today's Schools: PowerPoint Templates
Wheel of Fortune, Jeopardy, Millionaire, Hollywood Squares, Are You Smarter than a 5th Grader, Newspaper, Wikipedia, Facebook, Outlook email
"At Seminar today called "Social Media - re-conceptualising information literacy" with Helen Partridge from QU"
Tags: informationliteracy, libraries, education, socialmedia
Posted from Diigo. The rest of teacher-librarians group favorite links are here.
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
Teacher Librarian Links 06/09/2011
A student researches a topic using new web technologies.
The Networked Student was inspired by CCK08, a Connectivism course offered by George Siemens and Stephen Downes...Tags: education, youtube, teaching, socialnetworking, videos, blogs, diigo, rss, socialbookmarking
Wikipedia Is "Making the Grade" With More & More Academics
Although Wikipedia has long been viewed with suspicion by many educators, the Wikimedia Foundation has been working hard to forge alliances with academia, to build a better reputation, but also to elicit strong content contribution for the collaborative online encyclopedia.
Posted from Diigo. The rest of teacher-librarians group favorite links are here.
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
Teacher Librarian Links 06/08/2011
How to create short instructional videos (Texas)
Tags: video, instructional_videos, flip, teaching, edtech, video_editing, resources
Tags: gamification, online_games, educational_games, learning, education, AnneWeaver
YouTube - That Deadman Dance by Kim Scott
Kim Scott talking about his novel, That Deadman Dance. This video, from PanMacMillan, is just Scott talking with a river backdrop. Thought provoking. 6mins
Posted from Diigo. The rest of teacher-librarians group favorite links are here.
Monday, June 6, 2011
Teacher Librarian Links 06/07/2011
In Digital Asset Management Mechanix, all marketing assets are digitalized. A component of CLM is the digital storefront which houses the active pre-approved marketing materials needed during the course of a market strategy.
Posted from Diigo. The rest of teacher-librarians group favorite links are here.
Sunday, June 5, 2011
Teacher Librarian Links 06/06/2011
eduScapes: A Site for Life-long Learners
Tags: education, resources, technology, tools, teaching, eduscapes, web2.0
Information Fluency & Forensics
Tags: fluency, information, research, evaluation, resources, Website, 21stcenturyskills
Tags: 21stcenturyskills, fluency, literacy, resources, 21stcenturylearning, research, information_literacy, Information
newspaper map | all online newspapers in the world, translate with one click
Find any online newspaper, then have it translated into over 20 languages!
Comic about using Creative Commons in research.
There’s Dark Things In Them There Books! « A Chair, A Fireplace & A Tea Cozy
Rebuttal of a reactionary article in the Wall Street Journal about modern teen literature.
Tags: wsj, ya, books, censorship, readersadvisory, readerdevelopment
Posted from Diigo. The rest of teacher-librarians group favorite links are here.
Saturday, June 4, 2011
Teacher Librarian Links 06/05/2011
Find free images online! « HeyJude
Tags: photos, creativecommons, copyright, free-images, copyright_free, blogs, HeyJude
K-3 teachers guide to twitter
Tags: twitter, elementary, socialnetworking, professional development
Posted from Diigo. The rest of teacher-librarians group favorite links are here.